

Understanding The Interest Rate Fallacy: The Risks Of Holding Fiat

Today’s low interest rate climate is one that further reduces the opportunity cost of holding base, fiat money — a fallacy fixed by Bitcoin.

Gresham’s Law Does Not to Apply to Bitcoin In El Salvador

The economic rule discussed in a previous article doesn’t take these two factors specific to bitcoin’s situation in El Salvador into account.

Fiat Money Is Babel, Bitcoin Is Clarity

Fiat obstructs true price signals which convey economic reality, and bitcoin fixes this.

Microeconomics And Fiat: The Bear Case For The U.S. Dollar

Economics demands that the dollar continue its long journey to a value of zero.

Bitcoin: The Future Of Money And The World Economy

The true innovation behind Bitcoin is the ability to transact value instantly around the world.

Top Five Economics Books To Learn Bitcoin

These books can help you expand your bitcoin knowledge, as well as your understanding of the world.

Bitcoin: The First And Final Rival Money

A Weekly Series Of Essays About The Language Of Bitcoin by Alex McShane

The Schumpeterian Bitcoin Cycle

There are countless elements in Bitcoin that structurally instill the process of Schumpeterian creative destruction into its ecosystem.

The Fiat Mindset: Why Most Economists Don’t Get Bitcoin

Modern economists are often vehemently opposed to bitcoin and its application as money - why is this?

Bitcoin: Solving The Elusive Monetary Problem

This deep dive explores what problems plague our modern monies, and how bitcoin cures these issues.
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