

Linking Bitcoin To The Fentanyl Trade, Elizabeth Warren Demonstrates Concerning Bias Against Innovation

Overstating the role that Bitcoin plays in illicit activity, Senator Elizabeth Warren underscored the need for education among policymakers.

Turn On, Tune In And Take Charge With Bitcoin

The change in mindset and framing induced by learning about Bitcoin mirrors a psychedelic experience.

Bitcoin Can Finance Growth In The Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry has many reasons to look to bitcoin as a way to grow and improve relationships with their customers.

What Psychedelics And Bitcoin Have In Common

As Bitcoiners witness the monetary revolution at hand, a spiritual revolution is underway in the same fashion.

Bitcoin And Addiction: A Life In (Fiat) Recovery

What parallels can be drawn from the recovery of an addict and a society addicted to debt?

Love Seekers Beware; Man Drugged For Bitcoin

In a recent blog post, Casa detailed how a man was lured into a dating trap in order to acquire his private keys.

Canadian Drug Dealer Ordered to Forfeit $1.4 Million in Bitcoin

A Canadian drug dealer has been ordered to forfeit about 281.41 bitcoin after it was found that he used the cryptocurrency to fund his illegal activities. It’s been reported as Canada’s largest-ever bitcoin forfeiture.

DOJ, U.S. Agencies Seize Over $12M Bitcoin in a Slew of Dark Web Busts

In a nationwide bust, U.S. federal officials have confiscated some 2,000 bitcoin (valued at just over $12 million) from 35 dark web drug lords and arms dealers.

Bitcoiner Faces Charges After Selling BTC to an Undercover Cop

On February 9, 2018, officials from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security, arrested Morgan Rockcoons...

Mexico’s Vicente Fox Invites the Blockchain Community to Join His “Yellow Revolution”

Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox was part of a panel discussion at the Blockchain Economic Forum in Singapore on February 5, 2018, and...
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