

Braiins OS: An Open Source Alternative to Bitcoin Mining Firmware [UPDATED]

Braiins OS wants to redefine open-source mining software.

Samsung Is Building ASIC Chips for Halong Mining

Seoul-based Samsung has confirmed that it is providing ASIC chips to mine bitcoin, ether and assorted cryptocurrencies for hardware manufacturer Halong Mining.

Halong Mining Is the First Bitcoin Mining Hardware Producer to Implement Overt AsicBoost

After joining the Blockchain Defensive Patent License, Halong Mining has announced that it is embedding AsicBoost in its DragonMint mining hardware.

Halong Mining and MyRig Announce Partnership

Halong Mining and MyRig are working together to bring the new DragonMint miner from Halong to market.First announced in November 2017, the new Halong...

This Bitcoin Developer Is About to Take on the Mining Hardware Industry

“We started a mining project with the aim to bring much needed competition to the market,” BtcDrak said. “We want to ‘make SHA256 great again.’”
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