The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) has announced that 86 new members have joined the initiative that aims to bolster innovation around the Ethereum blockchain....
Dubai’s Global Blockchain Council (GBC) is running a pilot project called Operation Kimberley, which aims to use blockchain technology to digitalize the issuance and...
Consensus Systems (ConsenSys), the New York City-based blockchain venture production studio, plans to move its Ujo Music rights management and royalty payments platform into...
Synechron, a consulting services and technology provider specializing in the financial services market, has announced a partnership with Ethereum blockchain developers ConsenSys and BlockApps...
An experimental energy microgrid in Brooklyn, New York, shows how energy-generating homes can become part of a peer-to-peer electricity system, Fast Coexistreports. The project,...
Microsoft has partnered with Consensys, a blockchain startup focused on Ethereum technology, The Wall Street Journal reports. Through the partnership, customers of Azure,...