

Why Drivechain Is Our Best Chance To Secure Bitcoin Into The Future

Faced with the threat of ossification, Bitcoin Core should adopt BIPs 300 and 301, integrating Drivechain’s solutions for ongoing security.

Bitcoin Optech #156: BIPs, Standards Documents And More

This week’s newsletter describes BIPs for output script descriptors, standards documents for LN Protocol interoperability, and more.

Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) And The BIP Process

This episode of “The Van Wirdum Sjorsnado” covered Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) and how the process works.

The Battle For P2SH: The Untold Story Of The First Bitcoin War

The saga of P2SH showcases Bitcoin’s unique dev community, the difficulty in making such changes and the tone for protocol debates ahead.

What Is A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP)?

A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a standard for proposing changes to the Bitcoin protocol, or in some cases a source for information for...

BIP 324: A Message Transport Protocol That Could Protect Bitcoin Peers

BIP 324, proposed by Jonas Schnelli, is designed to protect Bitcoin peers against man-in-the-middle attacks using an action called a “handshake” to share keys more privately.

Signet Could Give Bitcoin a More Stable, Predictable Testnet Option

A Bitcoin signet, proposed by Karl-Johan Alm, could provide a more predictable and stable Bitcoin testnet for development.

BetterHash Protocol Lets Pool Miners Regain Control Over Their Hash Power

Matt Corallo's BetterHash mining protocol is intended to significantly decrease the problems associated with mining pool centralization.

BIP91: The SegWit Activation “Kludge” That Should Keep Bitcoin Whole

The SegWit2x dev team plans to implement BIP91, a proposal that cleverly makes the BIP148 UASF and SegWit2x, two conflicting activation methods, compatible.

Bitmain Responds to UASF With Another Bitcoin Hard Fork Announcement

Bitmain today announced that it may launch a “hard fork” in response to the upcoming BIP148 user activated soft fork (UASF).
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