Ulric Pattillo

Ulric Pattillo
I am a humble Bitcoiner. I find my incentive to write to inspire, make contact, and network with the people in the world that resist government theft and coercion. My written work generally focuses on the edification for the plebs and the transformation of receptive minds impacted by fiat lies. I do this through historical or social analogies. I am one of three co-authors of the Declaration of Monetary Independence. I thank my father for introducing me to Bitcoin every chance I get. Miscellaneous: #ballislife, #leagueislife, Olympic lifter, Bible believer

Bitcoin What-If: The State Was Demonetized By Sound Money?

The bloated modern State's existence depends upon the control of money creation, and Bitcoin will expose that.

The People Will See The Value In Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work

It is evident that proof-of-work is a pure representation of free-market forces as opposed to the control of proof-of-stake.

Bitcoin What-If: The Education System Was Orange-Pilled?

A vision into the future — what would the education system look like under a Bitcoin standard?

The Declaration Of Monetary Independence Will Be At Bitcoin 2022

Look for the physical form of #DoMI at the Bitcoin Conference happening April sixth through the ninth in Miami Beach!

Bitcoin And Those Who Represented Its Principles Across Time

As we get one year closer to hyperbitcoinization, we should remember individuals of the past that stood for the ethos of Bitcoin.

Consumers: A Hidden Derogatory Term Unveiled by Bitcoin’s Economic Clarity

The term “consumer” has misappropriated the economic behavior of the population. Bitcoin enables its participants to act rationally.

Bitcoin, Voting Blocs And The Effect On Bipartisanship

The steady polarization of society we are currently undergoing may be reversed with a bitcoin standard.

The Inherent Greed Of The Fiat System

The current monetary system of the world exposes the poor and disadvantaged to continuous debasement of value.

Financial Protestants: How The Bitcoin Revolution Resembles The Reformation

Various similarities exist between The Protestant Reformation and the revolution being built around Bitcoin.

For Black America, Bitcoin Is Hope, Bitcoin Is Change

Bitcoin represents monetary freedom and thus a new and viable solution to closing the wealth gap.
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