Priya is a San Fransisco-based writer who is passionate about bitcoin. She has previously worked with leading companies including Coinbase, ChangeTip and Expresscoin.
Gymnut, the first peer-to-peer app connecting people and trainers, is now accepting bitcoin for its in-app store. Gymcoins, the prepaid store tokens, will allow users to pay for specialized...
Bringing together more than 40 startup pitches on both the retail and fintech verticals at the consortium, the Plug and Play Tech Center Expo day included three keynotes from...
That’s Janah Riddle of Coinbase living the dream after a hike through Colombian rainforest to drink some cold coffee and dip into a few waterfalls. She and her husband,...
Accenture’s recent report projects investment in the financial tech sector to more than double in five years, from $3 billion in 2013 to more than $8 billion in 2018.With...
Bitcoin is mined based on the concept of proof of work. The difficulty of proof of work and the computing power required make bitcoin special and very rare and...