Jeff Handler

Jeff Handler
Jeff Handler is a recent graduate of Washington University in St. Louis, where he studied a diverse array of subjects including political science, international relations, economics, history, and psychology. In his Junior year, he delved into Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, immediately recognizing Bitcoin’s disruptive potential to change finance at a fundamental level. Jeff currently works as Business Development Manager for Los Angeles based Bitcoin company, Netki.

How the Hunt for Satoshi Turned Dorian Nakamoto’s Life Upside Down: the Inside Story

Once More for Posterity: Dorian Nakamoto Explains Why He Is Not the Mastermind Behind the World’s Most Popular Digital CurrencyApproaching the home that Dorian Nakamoto shares with his 93-year-old...

Bitcoin Goes Hollywood: An Interview with Gem COO Ken Miller

A guest interview by Jeff HandlerSilicon Valley has become a symbol of technological innovation and achievement in the digital age – a shining beacon of progress and "disruption." It’s...
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