Cathy Reisenwitz

Cathy Reisenwitz
Cathy Reisenwitz is a Young Voices Associate and a D.C.-based writer and political commentator. She is Editor-in-Chief of Sex and the State and her writing has appeared in Forbes, the Chicago Tribune, Reason magazine, Talking Points Memo and the Washington Examiner. She has spoken on topics of economic freedom, Bitcoin and feminism at Tea Party conferences, CryptoCurrency Conference, ISFLC, the Heritage Foundation and various other events. She has also appeared on Al Jazeera America.

The Uber of Venture Capital: An Interview with Swarm Founder Joel Dietz

Swarm’s concept has been generally written about here, and announced here.Joel Dietz is the founder of Swarm, which Entrepreneur Magazine called “a crowdfunding platform that operates on a Bitcoin...

First Pot, Now Porn. Can Bitcoin Save the Adult Industry?

Oversexed and underbanked? Chase Bank recently informed hundreds of porn performers that the bank will close their accounts by mid-May. Apparently Chase has a history of discriminating against sex workers and the adult...

Sir Richard Branson Wants a Transparent Cryptocurrency, But Will Customers?

The EndorsementsBillionaire entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson, whose Virgin Galactic airlines was the first to accept bitcoins for space flight, recently describedbitcoin as “the pioneer of a global currency” in...

What Might Ulbricht’s Defense Mean for Charlie Shrem?

Ross Ulbricht, alleged Silk Road HBIC, is claiming that new federal bitcoin laws classifying bitcoin as assets and not money invalidate the money laundering charges he faces. In short,...

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Really Gets Bitcoin

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis recently held a “Dialog with the Fed” on bitcoin basics. The events are “designed to address the key economic and financial issues...

Everyone Should Fetishize Innovation

Writing for the New Republic, Evgeny Morozov has written a brief critique of what he dubs America’s “innovation fetish.” While not really spelled out in the article, there are...

Bitcoin’s Actual Privilege Problems

ThinkProgress has published a blistering critique of bitcoin called Bitcoin: By The Privileged, For The Privileged. It’s full of misunderstandings, misinformation, and, most distressingly, a few points that are...

Do Cryptocurrencies Really Compete? Learning From VHS, Betamax, Netflix and Hulu

Competing cryptocurrencies have been in the news lately. This VICE Motherboard roundup is a good list of some of bitcoin’s most promising challengers. But it makes a comparison which...

Bay Area’s Leading Poverty-Fighters Recently Accepted Their First Bitcoin

The Bay Area's leading poverty-fighting organization recently accepted its first Bitcoin donation. Bart and Brad Stephens of Stephens Investment Management donated 20 bitcoins to Tipping Point Community on February...

Can a Wearable Bitcoin Wallet Bring Cryptocurrency Into Meatspace?

Paying in Bitcoin already offers tons of advantages over credit cards. It’s by-default more secure, and on the internet at least, faster and easier. However, paying with bitcoin IRL...
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