Anthony Feliciano

Anthony Feliciano
I have been a Bitcoin enthusiast since 2018. I started in in 2018. I found its purpose in 2022, as a ... Show more

A Plan To Opt Out And De-Google Your Phone To Use Bitcoin Privately

Using Bitcoin doesn’t have to mean handing over all of your personal data to the companies you interact with.

How Our Smartphones Spy On Us, And What You Can Do To Avoid It

As a Bitcoiner, being aware of all the ways technology is used to spy on you is paramount to good opsec.

Not All Bitcoin Bear Markets Are The Same

While this isn’t bitcoin’s first bear market, it is the most opportunity-ripe “winter” yet experienced by the industry.

Why You Should Stack Sats To Celebrate Father’s Day

It's not only the duty of the Bitcoin fathers out there, but the obligation to continue to stack sats for our children.

Is This Mobile Banking? — Bitcoin On The Go

The story of a Lightning Node and a road trip, showing just how mobile your Bitcoin experience can be.

How To Make Your Bitcoin Lightning Network Node Mobile

Now you can take the Bitcoin Layer 2 implementation wherever you go, giving you the ability to transmit sats everywhere!

DIY Bitcoin Nodes — A Project Anyone Can Do

Almost anyone can use one of these DIY Bitcoin node projects to participate in securing the network and to learn more about Bitcoin.

How Bitcoin Pizza Day Resembles Festivus

Why do we celebrate this joyous holiday, and how does it resemble the quirky holiday of Festivus?

The Importance Of Attending Bitcoin Meetups In Person

In-person Bitcoin meetups are incredible opportunities to expand your knowledge, talk to other Bitcoiners and learn about new developments.

Is Bitcoin A Burden For CPAs To Manage?

For maximum adoption, the industry needs accountants who understand bitcoin and know its tax implications.
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