

Debunking Bitcoin Misconceptions: It’s Not Stored Time, Energy Or Violence

Metaphors and analogies are critical for helping newbies understand Bitcoin, but they are dangerous when taken too far.

Visiting El Salvador’s Slums, It’s Clear Bitcoin Country Must Go Further

A visit to Soyapango, one of El Salvador’s most impoverished slums, shows that the Bitcoin experiment isn’t reaching those who need it most.

Bitcoin Is The Ultimate Representation Of Energy

Love, violence and money are interrelated through their connection to energy. As the digital representation of energy, Bitcoin offers a better store of energy.

The Actual Impact Of Bitcoin On War

The impact of Bitcoin on war will not simply be the eradication of violence, a problem of humanity since the dawn of time.

Bitcoin Is The Successor To Violence

Bitcoin completely negates the need for violence by incentivizing trade and peaceful cooperation.
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