

Ledger Releases New Wallet With More Memory, App for Mobile Management

Ledger just dropped news of its latest bitcoin hardware wallet, and it comes with an app for managing the wallet’s funds remotely.

Bitcoin Black Friday Deals for the Digital Currency Enthusiast

On the day after American Thanksgiving, bitcoiners (along with everyone else) will begin their holiday shopping in earnest, with Bitcoin Black Friday sales competing...

Hello hex•fury! The Newest Fastest USB Bitcoin Miner of the World.

This week the new fastest USB bitcoin miner of the world will release: The hex•fury 11+ GH/s USB stick miner. This one is seen...

Inteview: The Birth of the Bitfury 5GH USB ASIC

More and more people are getting involved with Bitcoins. More and more people are becoming interested in how to mine by themselves. Everybody can...

BTCGuild Starts Selling ASICMiner USBs, Sells Out in 40 Minutes

BTCGuild, currently the second largest mining pool with 17 of the network hashpower, started selling ASICMiner’s USB Block Erupter mining devices, but announced that...

Bitcoin Self-Defense, Part I: Wallet Protection

Wallet security has always been a primary concern in the Bitcoin development community. Although no other payment system in existence grants you the same...

Slush Operator Announces USB Wallet Project

Marek Palatinus, commonly known under his forum handle Slush as the operator of mining.bitcoin.cz, the oldest mining pool in the Bitcoin community, has just...
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