

An Interview With Jeffrey Smith, CIO of GHash.io

For the past two weeks, the Bitcoin community has been buzzing with worry over the mining pool GHash.io. Founded in July 2013, the pool...

Profiles in Bitcoin Outreach: Will Pangman

Passion is a trait not difficult to find among bitcoin enthusiasts. In my experience, however, few others come close to the passion and dedication...

Who Is Bitcoin Girl?: A Conversation with Naomi Brockwell

Bitcoin is more than a currency and more than a protocol. It’s an idea. In order to spread, ideas need a communicator. They need...

For Us By Us: Bitcoin Needs To Move Out of the Crypto-enthusiast Box

Barriers to AdoptionThe fascinating emergence of Bitcoin has been powered largely by a “for us by us” dynamic, the growth of specialists intimately involved...

Bitcoin Explained to the Retired Folks

This article is intended as an introduction to the concepts of bitcoin that might be of interest to those people that are retired. The...

Inteview: The Birth of the Bitfury 5GH USB ASIC

More and more people are getting involved with Bitcoins. More and more people are becoming interested in how to mine by themselves. Everybody can...

Feathercoin: Interview With Peter Bushnell

In this past month, it seems like alternate cryptocurrencies have been all the rage. Earlier last month, Sunny King released Primecoin, a prime-number based...
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