Joel Dalais

Joel Dalais
Joel loves Bitcoin and Digital Currency. He holds a BSc (hons) in Criminology with Criminal Justice Studies and Sociology, is a member of the Ludwig Von Mises Institute, a Lifetime Member of the Bitcoin Foundation, is involved in a few other bitcoin projects, and is Director of IBWT (""In Bitcoin We Trust""), a Digital Currency Exchange.

Bitnodes Project Issues First Incentives For Node Operators

The Bitnodes project issued its first incentive last week and will continue to do so until the end of 2015 or until 10,000 nodes are running.The program uses an...

CNN’s Morgan Spurlock Spends Week “Living on Bitcoin”

Morgan Spurlock, Academy Award nominated director of “Super Size Me,” is CNN television’s “Inside Man.” In 2014, he spent a week living on bitcoin. The resulting “Inside Man” episode aired...

U.S. Marshals Hold Third Bitcoin Auction

The U.S. Marshals Service is holding its third Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR) bitcoin auction this March 5th, 2015. These bitcoin were seized from Ross Ulbricht, allegedly the Dread Pirate...

Changetip Goes Viral

Changetip is an awesome tool that is used to give money to anyone else via a variety of social media methods. The current mediums that Changetip supports are Github,...

HM Treasury – Digital Currencies: Call for Information

The UK Government, through Her Majesty's Treasury (HM Treasury) has asked for public feedback to assist in their formation of digital currency regulations. Treasury has been aware of the...

Scottish Independence – No

In the previous article, Scottish Independence, we highlighted Scotland's referendum for independence and a few notes about what it may mean.On Thursday the 18th of September, 2014, the Scottish...

Scottish Independence

Yes/No to Scottish Independence?Scotland has recently been trying to gain its independence from the United Kingdom once again. Throughout the last thousand years there have been a few times...

Drop In Value And the Current Speculation

Margin Trading Was The Cause?Some theorize there are whales (people with large enough funds that they can make the market shift noticeably) who are pushing (selling lots of Bitcoins)...

To Dream Of Bitcoin

Ancient Greek philosophers learned the importance of dreams: that dreams tied into our reality somehow, but notably that we must first dream of something before we can make it...

Robin Hood Saves And Returns $20,000 In Bitcoins!

Beware all ye who wonder down these paths where and other brainwallets may lie. Many a person has stated warning from afar, such as tech wizard Jeff Garzik...
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