The Sovereign Individual
Bitcoin Is Consciousness-Raising Technology On The Path Toward Enlightenment
Bitcoin will aid humanity in raising its levels of consciousness when self valuing people secure their individuality and everyone’s self interests are aligned.
Becoming A Sovereign Individual With Bitcoin Discussed At Bitcoin 2022
Sovereignty is subjective, but Bitcoin provides an unique opportunity for people around the world to be more independent with regards to freedom.
Bitcoin Barbed Wire And The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto
Comparing Bitcoin to barbed wire from Timothy May’s “Crypto Anarchist Manifesto” can give insight into the gravity of this seemingly abstract invention.
A 1997 Prophecy: Bitcoin And The Unfolding Of ‘The Sovereign Individual’ Thesis
1997’s “The Sovereign Individual” is remarkably prescient, with its predictions of how society will change coming to life with Bitcoin today.
Bitcoin Enables Sovereign Individuality, Our Digital Future’s Holy Grail
Decentralizing technologies like Bitcoin are critical for individual sovereignty in our digital future.