

Mexico’s Vicente Fox Invites the Blockchain Community to Join His “Yellow Revolution”

Former President of Mexico Vicente Fox was part of a panel discussion at the Blockchain Economic Forum in Singapore on February 5, 2018, and...

As India Goes Cashless, Both E-Money Stocks and Bitcoin Benefit

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced on November 9, 2016, that 500 and 1000 rupee notes would be taken out of circulation in an...

If There Is an Answer to Selfish Mining, Braiding Could Be It

Centralization of mining pools is often considered one of the biggest problems Bitcoin faces. Only a handful of pools typically control well over half...

After Scaling Bitcoin, a Lightning Winter Release Is Now Within Reach

As last week’s Scaling Bitcoin workshops came to an end and its attendees returned home, the main task for 12 of Bitcoin’s prominent lightning network...

As Scaling Bitcoin Retargets in Milan, Focus Shifts to Fungibility

The Scaling Bitcoin conference, held at the Politecnico Milan, returned for its third iteration this weekend, with the focus throughout the speaking slots and workshops shifting...

Kyckr’s Rob Leslie on Blockchain and Regulatory Compliance

Compliance efforts are a tall task for many financial services and other organizations worldwide. New regulatory requirements are leading to greater demands to collect...

How to Secure Bitcoin Exchanges, or Why All Hope Is Not Lost

Last week’s Bitfinex hack, in which Bitcoin’s leading exchange lost almost 120,000 bitcoins valued some $70 million USD at the time, represented a depressing...

LexisNexis and Elliptic Partner to Bring Financial Transparency to the Bitcoin Blockchain

In a new partnership, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, a global big-data technology and analytics firm, has integrated its anti-money laundering data into Elliptic’s Bitcoin transaction...

BIP 151: The End-To-End Encryption Bitcoin Never Had – but Soon Will

Traffic over the Bitcoin network has always been unencrypted. Transactions and blocks are sent from node to node in plain sight, as are Bloom filters, which are often used by Simplified Payment Verification (SPV) nodes. All this data can, therefore, be seen by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), open-WiFi providers and anyone monitoring the Bitcoin network.

Sweatcoin Pays Brits Blockchain-Based Digital Currency to Get Fit

If you’ve ever needed an incentive to get fit, a new app launched in Britain could give you the boost you need. The new...
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