

Lightning Network Implementation ‘Amiko Pay’ Currently in Development

TheLightning Network is a design improvement for Bitcoin that could allow users to makemicropayments in a decentralized manner and help the entire network scale...

Debunking the 11 Most Stubborn Lightning Network Myths

Earlier this year, Joseph Poon and Thaddeus Dryja released the Lightning Network white paper. In it they theorize how a layer on top of...

Preliminary, Simplified Implementation of Bitcoin Lightning Network Released

Lightning networks are considered a promising innovation in the Bitcoin space, which would make the Bitcoin system much more scalable and able to process...

A (Working!) Web Broadcast from Space: Interview with Outernet

Thane Richard of Outernet is chatting with me while in a coffee shop (on the anonymous peer-to-peer chat platform Talky). His car is being...

Network Visibility Product Incorporates Bitcoin Pooled Mining Detection

Bitcoin is gaining popularity. Although the price has declined, people are still asking about and joining the ‘mining frenzy’ with increasingly capable hardware. In...

Bitcoins: Made in China

Abstract: The discussion over the actual costs of maintaining a decentralized seigniorage network is a new area of research. In practice it appears that...

U.S. Air Force Building Bitcoin Payment Gateway

The United States Air Force has quietly been working on a Bitcoin payment gateway. Through an SBIR or Small Business Innovation Research grant to...
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