

Telebit Introduces 50 Million Telegram Users to Bitcoin

Announced on Twitter on February 11, 2015, Telebit started to gain traction earlier today.Telegram is an instant messaging app for smartphones, tablets and the...

Social Media Gems

There’s an old saying about companies like Whatsapp: “If the product is free, you are the product.” While Whatsapp’s services appear to be free,...

Bitcoin Payment Protocol Explained

What do you do with bitcoin? Why, you spend it of course! Or more precisely you pay for something or some service using it....

The Future of Touchless Payments – Why iBeacon Technology Needs Bitcoin

Apple released a device update weeks ago that made large improvements on existing iBeacon technology. The update allows devices to search for existing beacons...

KryptoKit: Easy-to-Use, In-Browser Bitcoin and Messaging for the Masses

The growth of Bitcoin over the past four years, together with the recent storm of political revelations on the part of organizations like Wikileaks...

BitMessage: A Model For A New Web 2.0?

Over the past twenty years, the democratization of cryptographic technology has brought us the potential for an unprecedented level of privacy, giving the common...
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