King is focusing his energies as a member of GEAR’s Advisory Board, helping the small startup, still in incubation, to raise funds for the development of green mining technology.
One developing technology called sidechains promises to make it easier to move tokens across blockchains and, as a result, open the doors to a world of possibilities.
Greek graduates may soon be able to prove their qualifications by way of a blockchain.GRNET, the national research and education network of Greece, is...
AngelList, the job board specializing in startup jobs, reports cryptocurrency job postings have nearly doubled in the past six months and are soon to triple...
How does one design a blockchain protocol? Back in 2013, while in Athens, I set out to design a non-proof-of-work-based blockchain protocol motivated by...
Several universities have added blockchain studies to their fields of study to tailor their educational offerings to new developments in the job market.