

Bitcoin In The Trenches of A Global Economic Warfare

There’s a vicious, global economic war raging and its outcome will be determinative for the destiny of humanity, and necessarily, also for Bitcoin.That sounds...

The Truth Behind Truthcoin

Some people say money is the root of all evil. Others say its a necessary evil. Most can agree that it’s an important human...

Is Bitcoin causing Libertarians to Experience Wet-Dreams?

Researching all things bitcoin thoroughly for the last two years has led me to come across several occurrences of articles referring to bitcoin as...

Abstractly Represented Money: Introducing Metamoney

Part of this article appears in Issue 20In his pocket, Joe has an old leather wallet. It contains enough banknotes to buy him a...

Bitcoin in the Twenty-First Century: What Piketty can Learn From the Blockchain

So far in 2014, the biggest news in popular economics has been Thomas Piketty and his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century. It has...

Jeffrey Tucker Attacks Pop Austrian Economics at Bitcoin Event

This is a guest post by Andrew Criscione who co-organizes the Mises Group in Boston, Ma. He hosted Jeffrey Tucker for a dinner with...

Who Is Bitcoin Girl?: A Conversation with Naomi Brockwell

Bitcoin is more than a currency and more than a protocol. It’s an idea. In order to spread, ideas need a communicator. They need...

Why Do Economists Hate Bitcoin?

It started as a simple request. Would my old favorite economics teacher be willing to sit down and discuss Bitcoin with me? A quick...

Cleaning up Mark Williams’ Bitcoin FUD From New York DFS

Let’s get the facts straight.At the New York hearings Division of Financial Service conference on Virtual Currencies held this last week we heard from...
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