

ColliderScript: A $50M Bitcoin Covenant With No New Opcodes

How covenants can be built on Bitcoin today with no softforks (for an outrageously expensive set up price) using hash collisions. By Andrew Poelstra from Blockstream.

An Interview With Polyd: The Rabbit hole of Covenants

A written interview with Polyd, a Control Systems Specialist and creator of the Enigma Network proposal, on the concept of covenants.

Before They Were Cool: Covenants In Production On Liquid

The debate around the next change to Bitcoin is focused almost entirely on covenants. Having already implemented numerous covenants, Liquid presents a great learning opportunity in that discussion.

Readers Respond To The Cult Of The Covenant

Shinobi’s Strawman is a weekly series where our Technical Editor Shinobi challenges the Bitcoin community, aiming to stir up conversation around heated technical debates.

You’ll Activate The Covenants And You’ll Like It

Shinobi’s Strawman is a weekly series where our Technical Editor Shinobi challenges the Bitcoin community, aiming to stir up conversation around heated technical debates.

Bitcoin Needs To Be More Private For Adoption

Certain characteristics of Bitcoin create a loss in fungibility. These must be addressed and solved in order for Bitcoin to gain widespread adoption.

Bitcoin Songsheet: Private Property And Covenants

Bitcoin stands out because it is a digital bearer asset that gives full private property rights to its users, and development must carefully protect this aspect.

Is Speedy Trial The Best Way To Change Bitcoin?

BIP119, which adds limited covenants to Bitcoin, is the current conversation and many people question if Speedy Trial for Taproot was a good precedent.
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