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Capital gains

Tax Day Is Coming: A Primer on Bitcoin and Taxes

For workers, anything received as payment for goods or services, including Bitcoin or other digital currencies, is taxable income unless it is specifically exempted. If...

Eliminate Short-Term Capital Gains for Warp-Speed Bitcoin Adoption

This is a guest post from Digital Currency Council member Kirk Phillips.The burden of managing a tax calculation every time you buy something with...

Searching for the True Value of a Bitcoin

This was written by Vinny Lingham , the CEO and co-founder of Gyft.com and originally posted at https://medium.com/p/ba5f3fcce103.As Bitcoin stabilizes below $500 for the...

Did the IRS Just Make Bitcoin a New Tax Loophole?

As most people have now heard, the IRS just granted itself the power to tax the gains realized when individuals sell or spend their...

Positive News: Another Roundup

The Bitcoin price has undeniably been in a strong bear market these last two months. From an initial value of $800 at the end...

What If I Don’t Report My Bitcoin Income?

What if you don’t report all of your Bitcoin gains on your US tax return? You must have at least considered it by now....

Bitcoin Tax Checklist

Last year was very kind to Bitcoin. So kind, in fact, that for the first time, many previously casual Bitcoiners are finding themselves with...

KryptoTax Review

With the start of a new year comes the start of a new tax filing season in the United States. After an exciting and...

Bitcoin Tax Accountant FAQ

Even after a solid year of growth and six months of near constant exposure in the mainstream media, Bitcoin remains a niche area, mostly...

Declaring Bitcoin Income Part 3- Bitcoin As An Asset

This is the third part of a multi-part series that will discuss how to declare Bitcoin income on US personal or business income tax...
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