

This Crypto Scam Botnet Consists of Over 15,000 Separate Bots

Researchers at Duo Labs have discovered that Twitter is home to at least 15,000 scam bots and have published their findings in a new report.

Op Ed: The Role of Trading Bots in the Cryptocurrency Market

Similar to Wall Street and stock trading, bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading is a form of income for many. Due to the nature of the...

Study: Late 2013 Bitcoin Bubble Fueled by Suspicious Trading Activity on Mt. Gox

According to a recent study by researchers from the University of Tulsa and Tel Aviv University, the massive increase in the bitcoin price in...

The Bots That Make Money (Or Lose It) for You While You Sleep

Bitcoin does not sleep, nor do its markets. Most exchanges run 24/7, day and night, even on weekends and holidays.This is one reason some...
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