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Austrian economics

Is Bitcoin causing Libertarians to Experience Wet-Dreams?

Researching all things bitcoin thoroughly for the last two years has led me to come across several occurrences of articles referring to bitcoin as...

The Arrogance of Dollars

One sentence perfectly summarizes the problems with modern finance, and you can find it in your pocket. Open up your wallet and take out...

Abstractly Represented Money: Introducing Metamoney

Part of this article appears in Issue 20In his pocket, Joe has an old leather wallet. It contains enough banknotes to buy him a...

The Montreal Economic Institute Addresses Bitcoin

The Montreal Economic Institute (MEI) has released an economic note on the state of Bitcoin regulation in Canada and around the world. The MEI...

Bitcoin in the Twenty-First Century: What Piketty can Learn From the Blockchain

So far in 2014, the biggest news in popular economics has been Thomas Piketty and his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century. It has...

Jeffrey Tucker Attacks Pop Austrian Economics at Bitcoin Event

This is a guest post by Andrew Criscione who co-organizes the Mises Group in Boston, Ma. He hosted Jeffrey Tucker for a dinner with...
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