Tyler Bain

Tyler Bain
Tyler Bain is a licensed professional engineer and a certified Bitcoin professional who specializes in the electrical power grid and bitcoin mining mechanics. He recently co-wrote "Cryptocurrency Mining for Dummies."

Peer-To-Peer Is Patriotic

The founding principles of Bitcoin echo that of the genesis of the United States of America.

A Decade Of Dollar-Denominated Debasement Debauchery

Since Bitcoin’s genesis block, central banks around the world have been debasing their fiat.

As Red And Blue Debate, Green Printer And Orange Coin Always Win

The nation and world are on the brink, awaiting official Electoral College votes to be cast on December 14, despite convincing conjectural consensus on the champion. But either way,...

How Do Seasonal Fluctuations Really Affect Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin mining just experienced one of its largest difficulty adjustments ever. But what role did changes in China’s access to cheap energy play?

Introducing CBEI: A New Way To Measure Bitcoin Network Electrical Consumption

Using the Composite Bitcoin Energy Index (CBEI), we can determine how much electrical power Bitcoin draws and how much electrical energy it has used.
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