Portfolio Insider

Portfolio Insider
Portfolio Insider is a fintech analytics company powering the open finance revolution. We contribute to human progress by democratizing access to the world's most valuable financial data and bring transparency to capital markets. Reaching millions of people each month, we provide on-chain market intelligence and real time data services for institutional and retail stakeholders.

Bitcoin Transfer Volume Now Exceeds $15.8 Trillion

The “total amount of coins transferred on chain,” metric is equivalent to 70% of the United States Gross Domestic Product.

Why Bitcoin Is Nowhere Near The Top This Year

Bitcoin has a long way to go in this bull market, and the rest of the year looks bright.

How Many Bitcoin Wallets Hold More Than $1 Million?

The number of “bitcoin millionaires” is booming, but there’s still a lot of room for growth, which will propel the bitcoin price as well.
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