Nikita Chashchinskii

Nikita Chashchinskii
Nikita Chashchinskii is a software developer working on BIP300 sidechains. The projects he has worked on include converting Zcash into a sidechain, and writing a software library to make it easier to build sidechains and to convert altcoins into sidechains. Besides Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency world, he is interested in functional programming, game development and visual art.

Drivechain Could Ossify Bitcoin’s Blockchain For Good

Drivechain could provide an avenue for continuing development on Bitcoin while not compromising the security created by ossification.

With Drivechain, Bitcoin Will Make Altcoins Obsolete

Drivechain, a proposed soft fork via BIPs 300 and 301, could introduce a portfolio of sidechains to Bitcoin and replicate any altcoin use case.
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