Mike Yeung

Mike Yeung
Michael Yeung (@saitoshee) is the founder and CEO of Saftonhouse Consulting Group, a cryptocurrency consulting firm based out of Vancouver. He is also the president of the Simon Fraser Bitcoin Club, Canada's first student-lead advocacy group for Bitcoin. Michael has explained Bitcoin on Global TV, CBC Radio, The Vancouver Sun, Huffington Post, and other publications. SFU sits alongside Stanford, MIT, and Berkeley in the College Crypto Network. Michael is also a member of the Bitcoin Co-op and the Bitcoin Foundation. His goal is to make Bitcoin more useful and practical for the everyday person.

#OffTheCouch: Award-winning Film Could Bring Bitcoin to 1,000 High Schools

https://vimeo.com/100166276The Corporation Film’s Crypto Challenge from Hello Cool World on Vimeo.For its 10th year anniversary, “The Corporation” is raising money for a re-release shown to 1,000 schools across North...
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