Leon Wankum

Leon Wankum
Leon was one of the first financial economics students (M.S.c.) to write a thesis on Bitcoin in 2015. The work focused on how Bitcoin can help citizens in underdeveloped regions currently excluded from the existing financial system and its potential for the remittance market. Introduced to Bitcoin during a discussion on the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises in Leon's philosophy and ethics degree, he became interested in Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer decentralized electronic cash system. Today, Leon is active in real estate and venture capital. He specializes in developing Bitcoin strategies for real estate developers

Nostr: The Importance of Censorship-Resistant Communication for Innovation and Human Progress

Open communication has been a central part of fostering innovation, this is threatened in the modern digital age.

Bitcoin’s Role as Collateral in Real Estate Development Financing

A look at the dynamics of bitcoin as collateral in real estate financing.

Dismantling The Cash-flow Narrative: Real Estate vs. Bitcoin

An analysis of real estate as a cash flow driven investment, and why Bitcoin will wind up being a superior store of value investment despite that.

Bitcoin vs. Real Estate: Which Is The Better Store Of Value In Times Of Conflict ?

An analysis of the different value propositions of Bitcoin and real estate in times of geopolitical instability.

Bitcoin Is Kosher

A look at Bitcoin through the lens of Jewish faith and tenants.

Bitcoin Will Completely Change Real Estate Markets And Interest Rates

Bitcoin as a new variable in global markets will have a drastic effect on other market prices the larger it grows.

Bitcoin Is A Possession, Not Property

The nature of Bitcoin as a digital asset makes it impossible to fit 1:1 into the framework of property as we know it. One can possess Bitcoin, but not truly own it in the conventional sense.

Real Estate Investors Should Consider Strategies For Bitcoin, A Superior Store Of Wealth

As a superior, digital form of wealth storage, bitcoin offers a complementary asset for real estate investors to consider.

Replacing The World’s Preferred Store Of Value, Bitcoin Will Make Housing Affordable Again

As fiat loses its purchasing power over time, real estate becomes a preferred store of value and housing prices skyrocket. Bitcoin fixes this.

Why Bitcoin Is The Ultimate Wealth Preservation Technology

Bitcoin is the best store of value when compared to other asset classes that have historically been used by people wanting to protect their wealth.
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