Joe Consorti

Joe Consorti
Joe Consorti is a 20-year-old with interests in finance and economics - and a passion for Bitcoin. Right now, Joe writes... Show more

Bitcoin-Backed Mortgages And Pristine Collateral Discussed At Bitcoin 2022

Bitcoin as an asset is a perfect form of collateral and will likely be used to provide financial backing for mortgages and other forms of debt.

Bitcoin Is Peace For The 9/11 Generation: Wars On The Abstract

A society built on endless war is only possible given the power to print endless money to finance it.

Bitcoin Is Peace For The 9/11 Generation: The Dollar Is Not Safe

The perpetual warfare of the last two decades will lose its source of funding as we transition from fiat money to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Is Revolutionizing Global Money Management

Technologies that were state of the art 50 years ago will be usurped by Bitcoin as the superior technology makes itself apparent.

The American Dream Is Dying — Bitcoin’s Monetary Policy Can Save It

Bitcoin’s monetary policy returns Americans to an environment that rewards hard work, incentivizes saving and makes life attainable.
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