Jeremy Epstein

Jeremy Epstein
Jeremy Epstein is the CEO of Never Stop Marketing, a strategic marketing and consulting firm that focuses exclusively on helping blockchain-based technologies bring solutions to market faster and with less risk. Clients include OpenBazaar, Storj, and the Internet of People. He also serves as Executive Director of the Decentralized Marketing Network. LinkedIn

Why Korea Could Be the First Cryptocurrency-Powered Nation

Korea could become the first “Crypto-Powered Nation,” one that runs on blockchains and supports a crypto economy. Here’s what I learned during an intense two and a half days there in March 2018.

Op Ed: The Future Is Bright — for 3 Out of 4 Blockchain-Based Startups

As decentralized startups enter the next phase, making the investment in marketing earlier rather than later is the wise way to go.

Op Ed: How the Market Is Deciding the Block Size Debate … and the Marketing Lesson for Us All

The battle over block size has consumed the Bitcoin community for a while now. At the core, the question comes down to this: Is Bitcoin a “store of value”...

Op Ed: A Contentious Hard Fork Isn’t the Only Nightmare for Bitcoin

Dear Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Unlimited Supporters,A contentious hard fork isn't your only nightmare. Your nightmare is that the Bitcoin brand becomes so tarnished by the scaling debate that...
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