Fernando Nikolic

Fernando Nikolic
Fernando Nikolic is the director of marketing and communications at Blockstream. In addition to his pivotal role at Blockstream, Nikolic promotes Bitcoin education by running Bitcoiner Books, a book recommendation platform for Bitcoiners, by Bitcoiners. He also curates the "Bitcoin Perception" newsletter, a unique publication that keeps a keen eye on how Bitcoin is portrayed in the mainstream media. Born and raised in Argentina, Nikolic has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of hyperinflation on a nation. His personal experiences have shaped his understanding of the financial and political world, and when he stumbled upon Bitcoin in 2017, it instantly clicked.

Mainstream Media Bias Is Bad, But Will Only Get Worse From This Point On

Navigating media bias is important in a digital age when that bias is becoming more pronounced.

Left-Leaning Outlets Amplify Their Anti-Bitcoin Bias Following Trump’s Endorsement

A look at the different biases presented by mainstream media coverage of Donald Trump's endorsement of Bitcoin.

To Drive Meaningful Adoption, We Should Accept That Bitcoin Is Not For Everyone

“Simplifying our message and accepting that Bitcoin is not for everyone allows us to focus on those who are ready to listen.”

Blockstream’s 2021 In Review: How Bitcoin’s Biggest Infrastructure Company Grew Last Year

The team at Bitcoin infrastructure company Blockstream reflects on its exceptional growth in 2021, which mirrored Bitcoin’s own.
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