Dan Weintraub

Dan Weintraub
Dan Weintraub has taught history and English to high school students since the Reagan years. He has written and published books on such subjects as coaching youth sports and the neuroscience of Star Trek. Dan is also a touring singer-songwriter, a storm-chaser, an internationally licensed soccer coach, a dad and a coffee freak. Dan's interest in Bitcoin began on a lark, whilst teaching high school economics some years ago. Since that time he has dedicated many thousands of hours to its study and understanding. Dan's current home base is Boston, MA, though his trusty Chevy Spark is always at the ready.

Why Boomers Don’t Trust Bitcoin (And How I Convince Them To Open Their Minds)

As with every generation, baby boomers are skeptical of the innovations embraced by youth. But they can’t miss out on Bitcoin.

Trump’s Persistent Election Result Denials Demonstrate The Need For Bitcoin-Verified Truth

Donald Trump’s tireless 2020 election denials, and the fact that voters don’t know what to believe, demonstrates why politicians fear Bitcoin.

The Death Of Trust: As Institutions Erode, Bitcoin Is Our Only Hope

Public trust in authorities is failing and doomsayers are gaining attention, underscoring the need for Bitcoin to replace subjective truth.

Fiat Money As A Dialectical Monolith, Bitcoin As A Benevolent Solution

Bitcoin as a pushback against the status quo can only truly be adopted when the way in which we view our world escapes that of fiat framing.

Bitcoin As Mutuality And Global Barter

Bitcoin is a system that benefits from mutual cooperation like barter versus the current money system of extraction.

The Bitcoin Epoch And Mohandas K. Gandhi

How do the attributes of Bitcoin relate to the values of love and harmony that Mohandas Gandhi placed such importance on?

How Bitcoin Ends Injustice And The Importance Of Orange-Pilling Activists

It is obvious that the world cares about injustice, but the incentives systems of money must align with justice in order for solutions to occur.
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