Anderson Benavides Prado

Anderson Benavides Prado
I am a Colombian writer and author of the books: Una palabra sobre Isaura (Apeiron Ediciones, Spain, 2017), Aforismos (Editorial Verbum, Spain, 2020) and Monsieur Tamalè: Un tributo a Montesquieu y Voltaire (Replicante Magazine, Mexico, and Babab, Spain, 2021).I have also collaborated with a range of cultural magazines and newspapers in Latin America. I am a Bitcoin hodler since 2016, and I feel very enthusiastic about this revolution which I believe is one of the most important in human history.

The Hate Against Bitcoin Is Nothing New

New ideas have often found resistance, something that certainly isn’t new to bitcoin and its entrance into the mainstream.

When The Politician Is Removed, Knowledge And Bitcoin Will Reign

“Civilization always wants a different thing from what governments want: a contrary thing, most of the time.”

Bitcoin Helps Poverty Rather Than Hides It

While the world traditionally says that money can’t buy happiness, Bitcoiners acknowledge that money is a necessity for a fulfilling life.

Bitcoin Offers Freedom In A World Of Slavery By Design

The freedom forged by Bitcoin is entirely unique to a decentralized network owned by no one.

Why The Ancient Greeks Would Have Referred To Bitcoin As The Work Of Daedalus

In a world of destruction and creation, Bitcoin is the work of Daedalus, a representation of everything just, useful and beautiful.

An Ode To Bitcoin, Virtuous And Fair

Of course institutions disregard Bitcoin — it represents the aspects of freedom and private ownership that are in direct opposition to them.
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