Allen Farrington And Sacha Meyers

Allen Farrington And Sacha Meyers

Bitcoin Is Venice: Fiat Delenda Est

We hope that one day, Bitcoin will go unnoticed as a second Renaissance flourishes all around us.

Bitcoin Is Venice: What Medici Patience Can Teach Us Today

Like the Medicis of Renaissance Venice, those who embrace Bitcoin will be incentivized to create long-lasting impact.

Bitcoin Is Venice: An Immense Laboratory Of Trial And Error

The problems with modern housing and urban planning are symptomatic of the high-time preference age in which we live.

Bitcoin Is Venice: A King Among Us

Like Bitcoin, the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. offers an example of how to foster social networks, rather depend upon centralized powers.

Bitcoin Is Venice: These Were Capitalists

Under a Bitcoin system, we might once again learn to understand social systems as complex and organic structures that require decentralization.

Bitcoin Is Venice: Bitcoin Will Make Us Think Long Term, Whether We Want To Or Not

The achievements of civilization are made through proof of work, and Bitcoin forces us to continue making progress.

Bitcoin Is Venice: Soil And Yield

Damage to our soil and ongoing misguided environmentalism are symptomatic of fiat’s shortsightedness. Bitcoin offers a chance for Renaissance.

Bitcoin Is Venice: Sustaining The Unsustainable

Bitcoin can repair the broken incentive systems created by finance and low interest rates that lead to unsustainable practices.

Bitcoin Is Venice: The Merchant Strikes Back

A long time ago, in an economic environment far far away, the merchant controlled their own financial destiny — so they shall soon again.

Bitcoin Is Venice: Scaling In Layers

Bitcoin enables "natural" scaling, including layered money à la Lightning, which fulfills this only because of the base layer’s functionality.
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