

Apple Inc. Bans Blockchain Wallet

On Wednesday February 5, 2014, Apple inc. launched a fresh skirmish against Bitcoin. Blockchain’s wallet was removed from the App store.

Coinpunk is Making an Unbannable iOS Wallet

Apple has been slashing and dashing apps that serve as Bitcoin wallets or even connect to other 3rd party wallets. Here is a short list of...

eBay Files Patent Application for Programmable Money

Gift giving during the holidays just took on a whole new meaning. eBay, the parent company of PayPal, filed patent application 20130339188, “Gift Token”...

Using Bitcoin With QuickBooks- Part 2: Revaluing Your Wallet and Converting to Cash

This is the second part of a multi-part series that will explain how to integrate Bitcoin as a payment method using your existing accounting...

Dark Wallet, Settling in

With the precision of Occupy Wall Street, the Dark Wallet symposium assembled in a cold social center near the center of Milan. People trickled...

A Propaganda War

Disclaimer: Vitalik Buterin and Mihai Alisie have some involvement in the Dark Wallet projectOnce in a while a really big idea comes along: an...
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