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Slush pool

Slush Pool Introduces Provably Fair Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining today is dominated by mining pools. These mining pools arguably have a strong hold on the Bitcoin network, but also on their...

Slush Pool to Re-Enable BIP 101 Bitcoin Mining

Slush Pool, a Czech-based Bitcoin mining pool accounting for 6 percent of hashing power on the Bitcoin network, indicates it will re-enable connected miners...

Slush Operator Announces USB Wallet Project

Marek Palatinus, commonly known under his forum handle Slush as the operator of mining.bitcoin.cz, the oldest mining pool in the Bitcoin community, has just...

The Bitcoinica Linode Theft and What it Means for Bitcoin

On March 1, web hosting provide Linode’s servers were hacked, resulting in a theft of 3000 BTC from Slush and, most severely, 43000 BTC...

Bitcoin Introduction – Pooled Mining

In this part we will talk about “pooled mining” and compare the different approaches.With increasing block generation difficulty, mining essentially becomes a lottery, as...
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