Ruben Alexander

Ruben Alexander
The Bitcoin community has shown me that nothing can stop a group of people who are passionate in their beliefs. In our case, we believe everyone in the world deserves the right to financial freedom. My goal is to make sure everyone can see that this Bitcoin movement has the power to change the world for the better through every story we publish. Before working with Bitcoin Magazine I was involved in freelance writing, illustration, renders, making electronic music, and 3d print designs ( I'm also a married dude and a father of 2 who loves to have fun with his family, cook, and travel. Contact me by shooting a message to: ruben [at]

Black Market Beans Coffee (Photo Review)

These are photos of Black Market Beans coffee beans during an espresso and coffee taste test.

Dark Wallet Seekers

If you’ve made it to this page, you have done excellent work! This is Bitcoin Magazine’s first ARG and we hope to make more in the future.Make sure you...

The Auroracoin: Iceland’s National Cryptocurrency

The Auroracoin is set to release in less than two months and has a very unique distribution plan. It will give every Icelander 31.8 Auroracoins (AUC).Where Bitcoin has had...

Chicago Sun-Times to Test Bitcoin and Twitter Paywall with Startup BitWall

The Chicago Sun-Times, the 9th largest newspaper in the USA, is testing a social paywall that will accept both Tweets and Bitcoin in partnership with the content monetization startup...

Bitcoin Fan Gets Tattoo of His Public Bitcoin Address

A man from Whidbey Island, Washington recently got his public bitcoin address tattooed to his forearm trying to get it done in time for the Superbowl. Nai sent me...

TigerDirect accepts Bitcoin has announced that it has chosen to accept Bitcoin payments. When I see this news, I immediately think of the miners that are supporting lower difficulty cryptocoins or Scrypt...

Coinpunk is Making an Unbannable iOS Wallet

Apple has been slashing and dashing apps that serve as Bitcoin wallets or even connect to other 3rd party wallets. Here is a short list of the companies affected by Apple’s...

Inside Bitcoins New Year Press Release

Inside Bitcoins Conference and Expo in Las Vegas drew over 1,500 attendees from all over the world. The show was 15 times the size of the inaugural Inside Bitcoins...

Behind the Cover of Issue 21

This story is about the cover used for Issue 21.The original theme of Issue 21 was intended to highlight the intersection between Bitcoin and the Art world. Looking back...

Bitcoin 1K Party Press Release

This is a press release from the folks planning the 1k Bitcoin party. This has also been covered in the Wall Street Journal and contact information can be found at the bottom. We...
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