Michael Scott

Michael Scott
Michael Scott is a full-time freelance writer specializing in the areas of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and digital cities. He is currently located in Denver, Colorado.

Nevada Takes a Chance on Pro-Blockchain Legislation

Nevada becomes the the first state to approve legislation blocking local government entities from taxing, licensing and imposing other requirements on blockchain use.

Will Blockchain-Based Gun Control Keep Your Family Safer?

The Blocksafe Foundation, an organization evangelizing smart-gun technology and gun-ownership freedoms, wants to help gun owners keep control of their firearms.

Private Capital Market Ecosystems Meet the Blockchain

In an interview, Symbiont's Caitlyn Long discusses what the new agreement with PrivateMarket.io will mean for the financial sector.

Vinny Lingham Embarks on Identity Management Quest With Civic

In January of 2016, when Vinny Lingham announced that he had stepped down as CEO of the popular mobile gift card service Gyft, speculation began to bubble up as...

SALT Enables Traditional Lending Secured by Cryptocurrency

A new startup in Denver, Colorado has set out to take on the blockchain-based lending market. Secured Automated Lending Technology, or SALT for short, is a membership-based financial enterprise with...

ShapeShift Introduces Prism’s Trustless Crypto Asset Portfolios

A ShapeShift Into the World of Trustless Asset Portfolios“ShapeShift” is a concept describing the ability to change form or identity to adapt to changing conditions. It is also the...

Blockchain Technology Fuels Global Advancements in the Energy Sector

Blockchain technology is increasingly being seen as a low-cost means for delivering energy transactions across a distributed network without need for a centralized authority. In fact, blockchains may one day eliminate intermediaries altogether.

IoT and Blockchain Technology Collide in the Payments Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain-based advancements in the payments industry were among the many themes explored at TRANSACT, a tech-centric, payments industry conference held on May 10–12...

How Blockchain Identity Trust Is Fostering New Applications in Healthcare

Can identity trust be integrated with blockchain technology? The answer to that question appears to be yes, according to a recently completed proof-of-concept study conducted by Peer Ledger, a...

How Five States Are Approaching Bitcoin Regulation

Cryptocurrency should be regulated. Cryptocurrency should not be regulated. Cryptocurrency can’t be regulated. These are all common refrains emanating from the media these days. Now lawmakers across the United...
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